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Thursday, October 12, 2006

Jerry Szor Contemporary Jewelry

Alright, Well my blog is a bit overdue but here is one of the many things I have been doing in the last two weeks.

Some of you might know but for quite a while now I have been photographing jewelry for Jerry Szor Contemporary Jewelry.

The images will be for the up and coming website which is scheduled to be finished sometime this winter. Jerry has been a great guy and furnished me with everything I need to get the job done.

Here is my office and computer...Yes I know its a PC but lets try to keep that on the down low. I couldnt ask for a better view.

And here is the box by MK Digital Direct in which the photos are made, it works great and has many lighting options for each different situation.

And the boxes which the jewelry comes in before it is photographed:

And here is an example of some of the jewelry, each piece is a one of a kind made by highly renowned artists from all over the world.

Thanks for looking and I hope to see you again next week...for real this time!